Welcome to POSTAR3

POSTAR3 is a comprehensive database for exploring POST-trAnscriptional Regulation based on high-throughput sequencing data from 7 species, including human, mouse, zebrafish, fly, worm, Arabidopsis, and yeast. POSTAR3 is developed as the updated version of CLIPdb, POSTAR, and POSTAR2, which provides the largest binding sites collection of RNA-binding proteins and their functional annotations.


CLIP-seq Database
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Annotations and functions of RNA-binding proteins with CLIP-seq data.

RBP Binding

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Annotations and functions of RBP binding sites.


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Annotations of RBP binding sites with various regulatory events.


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Annotations of RBP binding sites with genomic variants.

Disease Mutations

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Annotations of RBP binding sites with disease-associated mutations.


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Annotations of RBP binding sites with RNA structure-seq data.


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Display of translatome information with Ribo-seq data.


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Display of degradome information with degradome-seq data.

POSTAR3 Features

POSTAR3 was released in June, 2020.

  • CLIPdb: 351 RBPs with their domains, Gene Ontologies, binding sequence motifs, structural preferences, and binding sites identified from CLIP-seq experiments.
  • RBP Binding Sites: RBP binding sites from 1,499 public CLIP-seq datasets covering 7 species and 10 CLIP-seq technologies.
  • RNA Crosstalk: Post-transcriptional regulation annotation of RBP binding sites, including ~27 million miRNA binding sites, ~1.1 million RNA modification sites, and ~8.1 million RNA editing sites.
  • Genomic Variants: Genomic variant annotation of RBP binding sites from dbSNP, 1000 genomes, Genome Aggregation Database, and eQTLs and sQTLs from GTEx.
  • Disease Mutations: Disease-associated mutant annotation of RBP binding sites from ClinVar, PanTCGA, PCAWG, CCLE, GWASdb2, denovo-db, COSMIC, and HmtDB database.
  • Structurome: Structurome profile of RBP binding sites from 82 public structure-seq datasets in 4 species using 6 structure-seq methods.
  • Translatome: Translation dynamics of 300 public Ribo-seq datasets covering various conditions of 6 species.
  • Degradome: miRNA-mediated degradation of other RNAs validated by 83 degradome-seq datasets in 4 species.

Submission Guidelines

Thank you for your contribution. All submissions will be reviewed and curated into the database as soon as possible.